Dolphin species are going to become extinct because the ocean is being polluted. Due to lot of human waste dumped into the ocean, the toxic materials of the human waste create a hazardous environment to the marine life. So, most of the fish, as well as dolphins, cannot survive. Diseases and sicknesses resulting from the polluted waters increases the sensitivity of the endangered dolphin.
Dolphins are found to be lost due to improper netting used by the fishermen. When tuna fish is being netted for its consumption, due to improper netting, dolphins are getting trapped in the nets. These nets injure dolphins. Dolphins then die due to getting tangled in the net itself.
Pink dolphins are observed to have gone extinct. They might get hurt by the large boats with propellers that hit the dolphins very hard, and injure them. Noise pollution caused by these boats and vessels result in some disturbance of the dolphin’s navigation system. This might have caused them to go extinct.
In the Amazon region, large hydro-electric dams were constructed by the government, which might have caused division in the dolphin groups. This division might have affected the rate of their progeny development.
Dolphins are also used as fish bait. There are some people who carve their names on the bodies of dolphins, and harm them. The death of dolphins might create more chance for its prey to survive. The prey that survive will not be able to get enough food, as the plant life will not be sufficient to satisfy all of them. So, even those animals might vanish after some time.
It is found from studies that 200,000 to 500,000 dolphins were attacked by fishermen during 1960 – 1972. They were utilized for cooking purposes. Although there is a protection act to save dolphins, they were destroyed accidentally and purposely by many people. These are some of the reasons why dolphins have reached an endangered state.
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